Tarot de Marseille:
jean dodal

[édition manufacturée]

Tarot de jean dodal : 78 cartes

  • Restauration / Facsimilé : Les contours en général et particulièrement les visages ont été reconstitués afin de permettre une lecture fluide. Les couleurs ont également été réhaussées pour retrouver leur éclat d’origine.

  • Réalisé d’après l’exemplaire original de la BNF.

  • 78 arcanes.

  • Un livret en format PDF

  • Cartes de tarot : 66mm x 122mm (taille originale)

  • Pelliculage : mat ou brillant au choix

  • Impression numérique sur papier 350g.

  • Coins arrondis.

  • Fabriqué à Aix en Provence.

  • Edition limitée à 50 exemplaires.

  • Poids : 250g

  • A short time ago, I was searching to acquire a facsimile of the Dodal’s tarot but all the facsimile that I found were made from the copy of the British Museum. I didn’t manage to find a facsimile made from the BNF copy. It’s why I decided to restore my own tarot of Jean Dodal. Actually, there is two different historical editions of the Dodal’s tarot. The oldest edition belongs to the British Museum collection. The black lines are in better condition but the paint used is gloomy and dark colored. The second edition belongs to the BNF, as the woodcuts were older, the black lines are very worn but the paint is bright, joyful and so unique. So I decided to use the BNF edition and to restore all the black lines to create my own version of the Jean Dodal’s tarot. Some faces were erased in the two different editions, so I decided to redraw them to make the tarot reading smoother. My goal was to restore all the erased elements and to revive the colors preserving the authenticity of this tarot. In short, I tried to reconstitute the Dodal’s tarot of the BNF exactly how it was in 1701 before the ravages of time.


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Démonstration du jeu : (Edition artisanale)


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