The path of jesus christ illustrated in 22 trumps

According to the world tarot experts, the Marseille tarot was created at the end of the XVth century under the influence of the christian neoplatonism philosophy.
To understand the deep meaning of the Marseille tarot, we have to assessed the 22 trumps in light of the Holy scriptures and the neoplatonism philosophy.

I) Understanding the trap of matter

In french, the world “Le Bateleur” can be breaked down this way : “Le Bas te Leurre” that literraly means “The Depth is luring you”.

According to the “Secret book of John” dated from the begining of the IIth century, the first man (Adam) was sent into the lowest depths of the material world by the demiurge (concept invented by Platon) and his henchmen :
“They took him and cast him down into the lowest depths of the material world.”

The neoplatonist and the first christians though this world is an illusion and we need to escape from it to become truly alive (allegory of the cave).

Consequently, the first step of the Christ’s path is to realize that we are trapped in the material world and having enought will to escape from it.
We all already have everything we need to end the illusion and to reach our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

The main color of the first trump is the flesh color, that means the Bateleur is “leuring” by the material world.

The Popess represents the silence of the thought that is required to become pregnant of Jesus Christ.

II) Cultivating the silence of the soul

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” Luc 2:19

The next step, illustrated by the Popess is to reach the silence of the soul (in the ancient world, the soul is associated to the mind, to the psyche) to give birth to christ in ourself.

“Jesus could be born a thousand times in Bethlehem, if he is not born in your heart, it is useless” Angelus Silesius.

To become pregnant of Jesus Christ, our intellect that is represented by Mary in the holy scriptures, have to take back its virginity.
So we have to abandoned all our false knowledges (the book that the Popess does not read) and be free from our thoughts and our senses to be stocked by the Holy spirit.

If we don’t manage to reach the inner silence and if we are still focusing on our senses, we remain under the ifluence of the Powers (archons) and so we can’t hear the whisper of God.

The popess reach her goal practicing the “Lectio Divina”

“The virgin whom no power defiled” Gospel of Philip.



The original purpose of the tdm
